Energy Audits

Are you looking to reduce your business’s energy costs and become more energy efficient? Then you should consider getting a commercial energy audit.

An energy audit, also known as an energy survey, is a comprehensive review of your business’s energy use to identify potential improvements that can reduce your energy consumption and costs. Through an energy audit, you can learn how to better manage your energy use and improve the efficiency of your operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions to provide you with further information about this service

What is an Energy Audit?

A commercial energy audit is an assessment of a building or facility to identify opportunities to reduce energy use and save money. The audit is carried out by a qualified energy auditor and will provide an in-depth analysis of the building’s energy use, sources, systems and equipment. It will look at how the building is insulated, how air is moved around, how lighting and other electrical devices are used, and how other energy sources, such as gas or water, are managed. 

The audit will take into account all aspects of a building’s energy use and will provide a comprehensive report on the current status of the energy system and its components. The report will include a detailed list of recommendations on how to improve the building’s energy performance, allowing businesses to make informed decisions on what changes need to be made. A commercial energy audit is an important step in managing energy costs and ensuring that a business is taking advantage of all available energy-saving opportunities.

What happens during an Energy Audit?

Commercial energy audits are undertaken by our experienced energy surveyors, who are specially trained in identifying and assessing energy use within businesses. The audit typically begins with a walk-through survey of the building, during which the auditor will take note of any inefficient lighting, HVAC systems, and insulation. They will also assess the building’s envelope—windows, doors, and other openings that can let in or out air—to determine if the building is losing energy through these points. They will also review operational and management practices. 

Once the walkthrough is complete, the auditor may choose to use additional testing techniques such as thermal imaging, blower door testing, and duct blaster tests to get a more accurate understanding of the building’s energy use. After all of the data is collected, it is analysed to determine which areas of the building are using the most energy, and what changes can be made to improve efficiency. The auditor will then produce a report that outlines the findings and suggests ways to reduce energy consumption. Our approach is in line with guidance developed by CIBSE and the Carbon Trust.

What will an Energy Audit reveal?

The energy survey, or audit, will uncover potential problems that may lead to higher energy costs, such as improper insulation, leaky windows and doors, inefficient lighting, and outdated equipment. All of our commercial energy audits also provide specific, actionable recommendations for improving the building's energy efficiency, including information about the estimated cost savings of implementing those changes.

When should you have an Energy Audit?

In general, it’s a good idea to conduct a commercial energy audit every two to five years to ensure that your business is operating at maximum efficiency. You should also conduct one any time you make major changes or additions to the building or its systems, such as installing a new HVAC system or replacing windows. An energy audit can give you the information you need to make sound decisions and create a more sustainable business.

For a clear, informative review of your energy usage with actionable insights, contact us now on 0344 499 7574, or email us at

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